As preppers, we get ready for any opportunities that may arise. Yes, we brace ourselves for challenging times, but many people see that as a sign of doom and gloom. After all, “Doomsday Preppers” is hardly the name of the most upbeat television program ever conceived.
Even though we have come to terms with the label, we must acknowledge that it is one that was affixed to us by a one-sided media in the early 2000s.
Unfortunately, a lot of people chose not to get ready because the media encouraged them to have a poor opinion of those who get ready ahead of time. Either they did not want to be associated with crazy preppers or they were persuaded by media bias that preppers are crazy due to the fact that there is ultimately no need to prepare for anything.
If you’re here and you’ve read this far, I can safely assume that you subscribe to one of two points of view regarding this post.
Basic Beliefs
First, you might be here because you believe that being prepared is necessary and you want to improve both your mindset and your ability to be prepared.
In the event that this does not describe you, there is a good chance that you have been prompted to consider how you can improve your level of preparedness by something. You did a quick search on Google, and now you find yourself reading a post with the title “Why be a Prepper?”
A prepper knows that there are times and places throughout the world when bad things have happened that, had people been better prepared, would have had much less of an impact on the masses. In the end, a prepper understands this fact.
Preparedness experts are also aware of the fact that each of us faces the possibility of personal and family-sized disasters, which are also referred to as micro-disasters. Preppers are people who make preparations to make the common challenges of life, such as the loss of a job, a little less difficult to deal with.
There are 7 compelling reasons why you should be a prepper….
1. Unexpected Emergencies
Being a “prepper” can assist you in being prepared for any unanticipated emergencies that may arise.
For instance, if you are unprepared, losing your job can have a devastating effect on your life. If you have ever been unemployed, even for a brief period of time, you are aware of how quickly one’s financial situation can deteriorate.
In a similar vein, an untimely illness, injury, or problem with a vehicle will be simpler to solve as a result of the increased flexibility in responding to issues that comes with being prepared.
In the uncertain world of today, becoming a prepper can give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are ready for anything that life may throw your way.
2. Being of Service to Others
Being ready for anything that may come your way in today’s world is more essential than it has ever been. Because of this, being a prepper is such a beneficial thing to do. Preparing for an emergency not only enables you and your family to become self-sufficient, but it also enables you to assist others in times of crisis by providing them with food, information, know-how, and so on.
Imagine that a natural disaster struck, and because your family had prepared for it, you were able to assist your friends and loved ones in their time of need. Or consider the possibility that you have an abundance of food storage that you could share with your neighbors if times are tough economically.
Being a prepper doesn’t make you a hoarder or a selfish person; rather, it shows that you have good judgment and are responsible. As a result, if you are not already a prepper, the time has come for you to begin. Your loved ones, family members, and friends will express their gratitude to you for doing so.
3. Economic Disaster
When times are tough financially, it can be helpful to have some emergency supplies stored away so that you can weather the storm. Those who have made preparations in advance will be in a much better position than those who have not in the event that inflation rates dramatically increase or the economy completely collapses.
It is absolutely necessary to stockpile food and supplies in order to survive a period of hyperinflation or an economic collapse. And in the event that there is a disruption in the food supply, having a food supply of emergency food in your food storage pantry can mean the difference between life and death for you and your family.
Similarly, it may be difficult to deal with expenses that were not planned for during a time of economic crisis. If you have an emergency fund, you won’t have to worry about going into debt or putting your assets in jeopardy.
In addition, being prepared can instill confidence and a sense of calm even in the midst of mayhem. When things get tough, it can be helpful to remind yourself that you’ve got everything under control and that you’re ready for whatever may come your way.
Therefore, if you are looking for ways to protect your finances in the event of an economic crisis, becoming a prepper is a fantastic place to begin looking into potential solutions.
4. Failing Infrastructure
Over the course of the past few years, there has been a rising incidence of power outages as well as other breakdowns in the infrastructure. Because of this, a lot of people have taken an increased interest in being self-sufficient and being ready for any kind of emergency.
During times of crisis, being prepared in advance can be an excellent way to protect yourself and your family from harm. Having a well-stocked emergency kit on hand can make all the difference in the world in the event of a natural disaster.
You can weather any storm more easily if you have supplies on hand, whether the storm in question is a metaphorical hurricane or a literal one. When things get challenging, being prepared can help you maintain your composure and give you more confidence.
When everything around you is falling apart, it can be helpful to remind yourself that you have the resources you need to survive. This can help you maintain your composure.
In a nutshell, becoming a prepper is an excellent way to shield yourself and the people you care about in the event of an emergency.
5. Natural Disasters
Being a prepper is frequently viewed as a negative trait, but in point of fact, it is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself.
After all, it appears that natural disasters are becoming more frequent, and it seems as though each year there is yet another catastrophic event making headlines.
A natural disaster can set off a chain of events that culminate in a complex disaster. This occurs when two or more disasters collide to create a catastrophe that is more significant or has a greater impact.
The severity of power outages is increased when they are caused by fires, freezing temperatures, or hot water. They may not be as spectacular as a natural disaster, but they are still capable of causing a significant amount of disruption and even death.
It is possible to make the difference between being able to weather the storm and being left struggling by becoming a prepper and having a plan as well as some essential supplies.
When someone refers to you as a prepper in the future, remember to take it as a compliment. It is possible that doing so will save your life at some point.
6. Catastrophes Induced by Human Activity
A large-scale cyberattack, nuclear war, terrorist attacks, and corruption are all legitimate concerns in this time of heightened global tension as a direct result of the conflict in Ukraine.
However, being prepared entails much more than simply amassing supplies or constructing a nuclear bunker. In order to survive, one must also have the necessary knowledge and skills.
Preparedness planners step in at this point.
Preparedness encourages an independent and resourceful mindset, which is exactly the sort of mentality that is required in the event of an emergency. In addition to this, they typically have a situational awareness of the most recent survival philosophies and techniques and have a keen understanding of how to survive difficult times.
To summarize, being a prepper involves more than simply stockpiling supplies; rather, it’s about being ready to tackle any obstacle that life throws at you, no matter what it may be. And given the state of the world today, each one of us ought to have contingency plans in place.
7. Seize Opportunities
The only way to truly live is to always be ready for anything and everything that may come your way in life, so that you can take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.
One way to save money would be to consume some of the canned food that you rotate through rather than purchasing food at the inflated prices that are currently being offered by grocery stores. Another way would be to take advantage of the diminishing availability of toilet paper.
Having the appropriate first aid kit is only one aspect of what it means to be prepared. Additionally, it is important to be mentally and emotionally prepared for anything that may come your way.
If you don’t spend your time worrying about “what if” scenarios all the time, you’ll have a clear head and be able to seize opportunities as they present themselves.
You should now go out and live your best life, secure in the knowledge that you are ready for anything that may come your way.
The Final Word
To summarize the reasons why being a prepper is beneficial, it can be boiled down to these three points:
If you are prepared, you will be able to weather any storm, whether it be figurative or literal.
Increases your sense of security, self-assurance, and independence.
The only way to live is to make the most of every opportunity.
Therefore, if you are not already a prepper, the time has come for you to begin. It’s possible that this will turn out to be the smartest choice you’ve ever made.
Why do you think it’s important for people to have food stored away? Tell us in the comments section below, would you please.